Five Lever Friday | Vol. 28

Bringing you inspiration, ideas, and tools to help you achieve Authentic Wealth

Just a quick note… Five Lever Friday is going on Summer Vacation. We will be back in September.

Authentic Wealth is bigger than just financial accumulation – it recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of life. It is created when your resources (the 5 levers – Finances, Mindset, Relationships, Health and Time) are aligned with your values, your vision and are ultimately used to achieve the impact you want to have on yourself, your family, your community and the world.


Are you unsure about how to plan for healthy aging for yourself or a loved one?

Tune in to my latest podcast episode of ‘Wealth Beyond Riches’ as I discuss proactive strategies for healthy aging with Sam Van Kalkeren, Director of Aging Services at O’Connor Professional Group.

Apple Podcast > link here

Spotify Podcast >link here


Where are you? Is your mindset “above the line” or “below the line”? This is a concept I worked with in my Conscious Leadership workshop this week.

Learn more here (4 minutes): link here


The “Seven Principles and Seven Magic Moves” can help you achieve conscious and super-conscious loving. Key moves include making heartfelt commitments, learning from each interaction, and sharing your thoughts and feelings openly. Additionally, monitor your agreements, take responsibility for your actions, appreciate your partner daily, and love as much as you can from wherever you are.

Click here to read more


Have you noticed how much buzz there is about the weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy lately? At first, I didn’t give it much thought, but now I see how these drugs could significantly change our society.

Dr. Peter Attia mentioned in a recent podcast that people are starting to spend more on these drugs instead of fitness routines because taking a pill seems easier than hitting the gym. Shortly after that, I tuned into the 10% Happier podcast with Johann Hari, the author of Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits and Disturbing Risks of the New Weight-Loss Drugs. Hari believes that drugs like Ozempic are as revolutionary as the iPhone and will affect all our lives, regardless of whether we use them ourselves.

This topic is much broader and more complex than I initially thought and I found the interview interesting.

Listen here (75 minutes): here


Could creativity benefit from “slow motion multi-tasking”? This Ted Talk suggests that you can be your most creative and therefore productive if you move between projects at your leisure.

Watch here (17 minutes): link


Just a quick note about resources – I am passing along interesting things that I have found or tried myself. Please take what works for you, leave what does not, and do your own due diligence on the sources/resources.  

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